The Ratings

Global Drinks Guide is open from September 20, 2023 to May 20, 2024

Global Drinks Guides ratings is a brand score that professional bartenders, sommeliers, bar owners and spirit/wine buyers give to a brand based on its Quality, Value and Package. The score is calculated out of 100 and then a star rating is given based on the final score. Judges will provide professional tasting notes along with ratings scores which will then be displayed along with the judges details, aiming to give a solid credibility to the reviews.

Brands can submit their products via the Global Submission Portal, select the beverage type and select the city they want to publish the brand along with other brand information to be displayed.

Brands will also be able to submit detailed product information, along with direct links of retail outlets and online portals to shop the said products. This will generate new business opportunities for the brand and bridge the gap between them and the consumer.